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Just A Thought ~ 2008 > November 2008 ~ The Messages of Life
November 2008 ~ The Messages of Life

During these times of change, whether it is political, economical, or spiritual…keep your heart open and find the opportunity for you to help others in some small way. Perhaps some of the most challenging situations we find ourselves in are the ones we may need to deal with today. Yes, in the now.
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I want to open your mind to another possibility that life is giving you opportunities to experience ~ what are you going to do now with these events, moments, trials and tribulations that may prove to be life-changing events…

There have been many conversations over the years where I have shared with close friend’s information that comes through me from The Universe while I am with them. One of these conversations I find appropriate to share with you this month because we are drawn and, sometimes challenged, by certain people and places because of what they represent and not necessarily who they actually are in our lives. In other words, see the energy for what it is instead of seeing it as the person who gives a face to the energy. The best way I know of how to present this information to you is with a visualization technique which is to use your imagination or take a picture of the person to help you and then work from that point forward.

You may be having a personal conflict with someone right now in your home, family, work, friends, or possibly your health & finances where you may find yourself constantly at odds with that person or issue and unable to resolve the conflict that you feel so deeply inside. In fact, you may sense that this conflict lies mostly in yourself as the other person may or may not be as engulfed by the conflict or committed to resolve the conflict that resides within your relationship.

Step back for a moment…and, as you view this person or issue, I am asking you to consider another possible angle to view this situation. Close your eyes and imagine seeing the image before you without sound or action, touch or smell. All I want you to do is to see the person or issue standing before you facing towards you. Now, imagine the person without the specific facial features with only skin and no eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows, hair, etc. I know it may be challenging but try it anyway.

As the features are dissolving from the canvas of their face observe in yourself your own feelings about the moment you are in. Some thoughts that may come to mind may be if you notice that you no longer can call “it” a name? Are your feelings less intense or are they magnified? Are you upset with that person because they bring out the best or the worst in you? Do they push your buttons at every turn? Continue to proceed slowly as the objective of this exercise is for you to notice your own thoughts, voices, feelings, sounds, and the like so you may be able to clarify your standing with this energy.

Yes, I mean the energy and not with the person. It may be a struggle because this “person” has caused you grief or hardship because of a divorce or breach of trust ~ whatever the cause, I want you to face the energy itself by erasing the face that has brought this significant message to you.

Believe me, this is not an easy thought to process and I may not be the first to present such a process. Perhaps the way it is presented to you may make sense this time or the next time you read another person’s view on this subject but I hope that eventually you will be awarded with this insight and genuine gift from the Universe.

The Universe does not judge us. What we as humans do share is the tendency to judge so we may feel better about ourselves or a situation thus relieving ourselves of a burden so we do not have to make a decision giving us permission to perhaps procrastinate a little longer. In my opinion, judgment is the child of ego.

Just like the UPS handler delivers a package to your door and gives you the package and you accept it without attaching him/her to the package. He/she leaves you alone with your package and now you have a choice as to whether you open the package now or later or never. Until we open the package and find out what is inside of it, emotions, thoughts, and/or your intuitive leads you may need to face your fears and deal with the energy that is in your presence. Once you begin to face the energies in your life in this perspective you will find that you will take situations less personally, thus resulting in less pain and a welcome peace. The reason for this is because you are learning the lesson at hand instead of going around and around on the hamster wheel of life feeling powerless.

Whatever you decide to do, may I suggest that you not become attached to the messenger, but get the reason for the package ~ get the message! When you do… this will transform the package into a genuine present for you to explore and finally learn from this experience.

Open your present today.

November 2008

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Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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